
ट्रेन में सफर करते वक्त पास बैठे यात्री ने पूछा- “तुम्हारा धर्म क्या है ?”
मैंने पूछा-“कब ?”
उसने कहा – “कब क्या ? अपना धर्म बताईये?
मैंने कहा – ” वही तो पूछ रहा हूँ किस परिस्थिति में?”
“धर्म भी क्या परिस्थिति के हिसाब से होता है ?”
“नहीं मैंने पूछा कि आप, हिंदू-मुस्लिम या ,,,?”
“वो तो संप्रदाय हैं!”
“तो आपके हिसाब से धर्म क्या हुआ?”
“मेरा धर्म अभी आपकी शंका का समाधान करना हुआ !” – मैंने मुस्कुरा कर कहा ।
“अरे उलझाओ ना ?”
“उलझन को समय-परिस्थिति-माहौल-स्थान-वातावरण के हिसाब से जो सुलझा दे, वही धर्म है ।”
“तो कर्म क्या है?”
“समय-परिस्थिति-माहौल-स्थान-वातावरण के हिसाब से जो उपयुक्त कार्य करने पर उलझन सुलझ जाये वही कर्म है – और आपका ऐसा करना आपका धर्म है ।” – मैं फिर मुस्कुराया ।
अब तक वह सहयात्री पूरी तरह कंफ्यूज हो चुका था । विस्मय भरी नजरों से मुझे घूरता हुआ बोला-“भाई! पागल ना बनाओ, समझाओ !”
मैंने फिर हल्की मुस्कान बिखेर कर कहा -” तुम्हें प्यास लगी है ना ?”
“हाँ ! वो तो है, स्टेशन आने पर बिस्लरी ले लूंगा ।”
“पर, स्टेशन पर गाङी रुकने में अभी दो घंटे लगेंगे । और मेरे पास पानी है । तो मेरा धर्म है कि मैं तुम्हें मेरे पास रखा पानी आॅफर करूँ और तुम्हारी प्यास मिटाऊं ।,,, लो पानी पियो ।”
और मैंने अपनी पानी की बाॅटल उसकी तरफ बढ़ा दी। उसने भी बङी सहजता से बाॅटल ले अपनी प्यास बुझाई ।

वह बोला – “धन्यवाद! मेरी प्यास बुझाने में जो आपने मेरी मदद की, उसका शुक्रिया ।”
“अरे, इसमें क्या है ! यह तो मेरा धर्म था । आपको प्यास लगी थी और आपके पास पानी नहीं था, मेरे पास था । मैंने आपकी मदद की, समय-परिस्थिति-माहौल-स्थान-वातावरण के हिसाब से जो बन पङा वो मैंने किया और आपने भी बङी ही सहजता से समय-परिस्थिति-माहौल-स्थान-वातावरण के हिसाब से मुझ पर विश्वास कर मेरा दिया पानी स्वीकार किया, यही तो धर्म है ।”

” तो फिर कर्म क्या हुआ ?”
मैंने कहा – “मेरे धर्म ने जो मुझसे समय-परिस्थिति-माहौल-स्थान-वातावरण के हिसाब से काम करवाया, वो कर्म था ।”

अब हम दोनों ही मित्र हो चुके थे । ना मुझे उसका पंथ-संप्रदाय-मजहब-religion-जाति-कुल-वंश पता था, ना उसे । पर हकीकतन हम मित्र हो चुके थे ।

हमारी बातें चलती रहीं,,, चलती रहीं ।


– श्रीविद्येश माथुर-चतुर्वेद

Dharm Karm

Once, as I was traveling on a train, one of my co-passengers started a conversation with me by asking, “What’s your religion ?”

I asked him, “When?”
He said,” What ‘when’! Iam asking about your religion, faith ?”
I said – “That’s why I am asking, my religion in which situation ?”

“Is religion situational ?”, He remarked.

“Yes, ofcoarse !”, I said.

“No, I mean are you Hindu. Muslim ….?”

“That, as per me, is not Religion, that is a Community !”, I said, “For me, religion means dharma.”

“Then, what according to you, is Religion ?”

“My religion at this point of time is to clarify your illusion !”, I smiled and replied.

“Please don’t confuse me !”

“Let me explain”, I said, ” Religion is in in accordance to time, situation ambience, place and environment.
Religion is Dharma ! I think Religion is not an appropriate English word for Dharma ! In english Dharma could be defined as – “in good faith, righteously, morally !”

“Then what is Karma- deed or doings ?”, he asked.

“The appropriate deed according to the time-situation-ambience-place-environment is your Karma or deed. And to perform this appropriate deed is your Dharma !”

By this time, I could judge that my co-passenger was totally confused.

Staring with his astonishing eyes he asked ” Are you making fool of me, please make me understand !”

” Are you thirsty right now ?”

” Yes, Iam. Infact, I will take some water in next station”

” But, train will stop after two hours and I am having water with me. “
I presented my water bottle to him. “Please have this water”.
He courteously took the bottle and had water.

He said – “Thanks ! You have helped me to get rid of my thirst. Thanks alot !”

“Oh, what is in it ? This was my Dharma to offer you water in order to quench your thirst.You were thirsty and you were not having water with you. I was having water and I helped with that. Whatever I could do according to time-situation-ambience-place-environment I have performed and you also according to your time-situation-ambience-place-environment, having faith in me accepted it. This is what Dharma is !”

“Than what is Karma ?”, he questioned.

I said , ” The deed which I performed according to time-situation-ambience-place-environment, was Karma.”

Now, we were friends. Neither of us knew each other’s Community- Religion- Caste – Ancestral history or background. But it was a fact, we became friends.

We continued our talks …Continued

  • Shrividyesh Mathur-Chaturved

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