
महाभारत, एक महाग्रंथ, जिसके बारे में मिथक है कि जो इसे सुनता या पढ़ता है वह गृह-क्लेश से घिर जाता है । कैसा आक्षेप है । कहाँ-कब-कैसे फैला से महत्वपूर्ण है कि क्यों फैला ? कहते हैं जो महाभारत में नहीं, वह ना हुआ ना होगा । जो घटना आज से पहले कभी घटी, या घट रही है या भविष्य में कभी घटेगी, उसका किसी ना किसी रूप में, महाभारत में उद्धरण है । ऐसे महाग्रंथ की उपेक्षा, हे प्रभु, कौन दोषी है ?
कहते हैं वेदव्यास व महागणेश में प्रतिद्वंद हुआ, फलस्वरूप वेदव्यास बोलते गये-महागणेश लिखते गये । 18 पुराणों का सार इस महाग्रंथ में समा गया । इससे बेहतर क्या हो ? फिर भी उपेक्षित ? श्रीमद्भगवत्-गीता जिसका एक छोटा सा भाग है, उस महाग्रंथ की उपेक्षा मुझे समझ नहीं आती । यह हम सनातन धर्मावलम्बियों का दुर्भाग्य है कि ऐसा मिथक हमारे बीच विद्यमान है । कृपा करके ऐसे मिथक को हम अपने मन-मस्तिष्क से निकालें व अपनी भावी पीढ़ी को महाभारत गाथा को पढ़ने-सुनने-सुनाने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करें ।

श्रीविद्येश माथुर-चतुर्वेद


Mahabharata, a great epic, for which a myth exists that if you read or listen to Mahabharata, you and your family will enter into family dispute or quarrel. How diatribe it is! More important than where, when or how this diatribe spread is, why it spread? It is said that whatever has not been mentioned in Mahabharata has never happened in the past, nor it is happening in the present nor will ever happen in the future. Whatever has happened or will happen, everything finds a mention in The Mahabharata. Ignorance of this great epic, oh! my God! who is responsible? It is said that Maharishi Ved Vyas and Shri Ganesh entered into a sort of competition, and at this, Ved Vyas started narrating and Shri Ganesh started writing whatever Ved Vayas spoke– this is how Mahabharata came into existence. The essence of 18 Puranas is contained in it. What can be better than this ? Still, it is been ignored? The vastness of Mahabharata can be judged by the fact that Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta is just a small part of this epic. Still, why this Great epic is being ignored, is beyond my understanding. It is unfortunate for us, the followers of Sanatan Dharm, that this type of myth is surviving amongst us. Let us please forgo this myth from within us. It is a humble request to start motivating our generations to read, listen to and narrate this Great Epic

Shrividyesh Mathur-Chaturved

A myth about the Epic Mahabharata – Part 2

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